Altar Server Guideline Manual 2/22

With Father Chris as our new Priest Moderator, reviewing all altar servers’ current guidelines and procedures was essential. Father Chris has assisted in updating the Altar Serving Guidelines and Procedures Manual. All servers should check the manual to follow the most current procedures. Please note that while certain procedures have not changed, some have and require your review. For your convenience, we have highlighted the changes in yellow. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the moderators. The updated server manual is attached below.




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Parishioner Registration

Are you registered? We would like for you to become an official member of the Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Family. Registration Updating Drive. February to June 2020.

Registration Form

After completion, please do one of the following:
A. Email to
B. Snail mail printed copy
C. Drop off at the Parish Center